Roots marked in the tradition of a town, conjectures about its origin, mysticism in the charm of its crafts. It is the Huichol people who remain faithful to their beliefs in the midst of modernity and technology, it is they who preserve history in their rites, in their clothing and in their proudly Mexican features. Also known as Wixárikas, the Huichol live in the north of the state of Jalisco, in the towns of Mezquitic and Bolaños, right at the back of the Sierra Madre Occidental; there, far from the social and political tumult, they preserve their ideals thanks to a peculiar isolation that has helped them to preserve their social organization, their festivities and their racial purity. Huichol art Using the tiny beads as a fundamental piece, their masks and animal figures are recognized throughout the world: coyotes, deer, lizards, flowers... everything is possible in their world of dreams. Also appreciated are their necklaces and bracelets, as well as clothing (blouses, shawls, shirts), decorated with yarn and beads. The Huichol culture is undoubtedly a jewel for Jalisco, respecting their ideologies and their way of life must be an argument without discussion, venerating life and nature as they do, treasuring the roots and exalting the magic of a town full of color.
Wixárika art
"Our beaded straps are unique and handmade by Wixárika artisans with ancestral skills. Each piece is a work of art that reflects the culture and tradition of this community. By choosing our straps, you support the preservation of the Wixárika culture and the local economy."
Fair Trade
"Our brand prides itself on promoting fair trade with local artisans and suppliers. We believe in supporting the local economy and providing our customers with quality, authentic products made in Mexico. Together we work to create a sustainable and just future for all. "
Supporting Wixárika communities
We are grateful for the opportunity to participate in the effort to keep their rich culture and traditions alive through our products. By purchasing the Wixárika Art line, you support Wixárkas communities that worked together to make these beautiful pieces with colors of culture and tradition.